Had a brief cursory look at Tailwind CSS for web frontend development. It seems to me that it has garnered some interest in recent years as a replacement for Bootstrap and Foundation frontend framework.

My first impression?


Very simple. Looks very similar to traditional CSS inline style. Easy to pick up if one has had experience to basic CSS.


Simply adding inline CSS styling to contents and text spans and divs does not help in conveying the semantic of the words. For example, people were enclosing text using <b> and </b>, and it was difficult for programs to distinguish between the block of text as being important or simply for asethetic formatting purpose only.

My personal observation and commentary

Isn’t this the exact problem that HTML 5 attempted to solve using meaningful HTML tag elements? And then we attach CSS styling to those tag elements instead?

It’s funny how we reinvent the wheel and made an U-turn. I hope we’re not going back and repeating the mistakes of the past. I feel like we’re going back in time to the mid or early 2000.

Why it is popular or useful (to some people)

But it is easy for frontend Web developers to tweak and preview the visual aspect of contents using Tailwind. So it has its own fair share of supporters who probably focus more on the asethetic than semantic.